Top Priority: Unreached, People Groups

If your church does missions, please ask them to shift funding to or make next one an Unreached group on the Joshua Project. There's thousands of them with an estimated 3 billion people in them. They get only 10% of mission funding despite having little to no access to Jesus at all. That's also despite Jesus' promise He won't return until the Gospel reaches all people groups. We need to help them while hastening His return. Please don't let them continue to perish without hardly a chance: prioritize mission strategy to send your best people and most of your money to the Unreached.

There's more churches than Unreached groups. Each church, starting with readers of this site, might try to pick at least one group on the Joshua project. Especially "Frontier Peoples." Team up with missions agencies (eg. IMB) to send a pair of missionaries. Bigger churches might also fund more translations (eg. Wycliffe, B.T.F.). Otherwise, just more than one team or people group. If you have no people, you might fund groups like Radical with their Urgent program.

When your church sends people, don't try to reach all of them yourselves. Your goal is to establish churches there who will disciple and send people to reach the rest. They know their culture. They'll be better at doing it. Just plant and support them there, meeting physical and spiritual needs, until they're self-sustaining. God will keep multiplying us that way. Our church planting section has a helpful model for that.

Individuals without church funding can still make a difference. They just have to physically be over there listening, loving, and sharing Jesus with people. Young people can go to college or start careers overseas for that purpose. Just learn the language and culture very well for at least the Gospel parts to make sure they understand it properly. College students going to foreign schools that require English, like in the Middle East, might not need language training. It still helps to learn the culture.

Some organizations send as missionaries people who have jobs skills needed in those countries. They mostly work but also share. Believers looking to retire might do it somewhere with few believers. Anyone that works remotely might be able to work from hard-to-reach area with satellite or occasional trips to areas with Wifi. People whose businesses sell or build stuff all over the world might work in those areas.

Before going out to a frontier group, I strongly recommend reading up on the Apostles' struggles, missionary biographies, and talking to organizations specializing in that first. It's a long-term, hard job with little to no support. You want to be sure of both your calling and commitment before you do that.

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