Tools for Growing Healthy Churches

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Before Jesus left, He issued the Great Commission. God expects us to give our lives to Him, reflect Him in all we do, and grow together. He also wants us to share the gift He gave us, His Gospel, with others. If they don't hear, they won't return to Him. This site will teach how to do these things. Many pages have optional links for you to dig deeper.

(Here's a Quick Start page to help new believers hit the ground running.)

Here's the Tools

Following Christ

- Learn to walk with Christ. Encourage and equip other believers you meet to do the same. To support you, this section has resources like studying the Word, obeying God's commands, finding answers to your questions, grow groups, and ways to dig deeper (eg Bible classes or seminary). 

Sharing Christ

- Learn to share the Gospel with non-believers. You'll start with the God's story, yours, and ways to open conversations. There's scripts for any who might struggle in social situations. Then, more training about topics ranging from handing out tracts to door-to-door evangelism.

Serving Christ

- Learn to serve in the Body of Christ (His church). We'll briefly cover the offices and gifts. Then, there's resources for both laypeople and elders in Biblical counseling, teaching/preaching (including uncommon styles), and elder requirements. Just as important, God commanded us to help poor, needy, and suffering people. There's links to many, exemplary ministries you can join or support.

Planting Churches

- Learn a model for planting churches that focus on the fundamentals, aim for full participation, and strong discipleship with open-source materials. These methods can also be used in small groups in existing churches. Don't plant a church unless you're sent by an actual church or have no Biblical churches in your area. Devote plenty of time to prayer before doing it.

Top Priority: Unreached, People Groups

- Jesus said He will return once the Gospel has reached all peoples. It's the only way for people to be saved from their sin and eternal damnation. Thousands of people groups still have zero access to the Gospel. We must fix that!

(Note: Sister site for non-believers. About page has history and credits.)